Juan Antón‘s landscape paintings immerse us in the diverse vegetation of northern Spain, overlooking impressive mountain ranges, lush green valleys, river and lake landscapes, as well as impressive coastlines and the rich flora of the region. The 12 exhibited works are glimpses of a world that, despite modern developments, has not lost its timeless beauty. We, the viewers, are sometimes invited to follow the artist‘s perception in order to rediscover the essence of the landscape in its original form. If we choose to accept this invitation, we can forget the fast pace of city life for the duration of our visit and immerse ourselves in the picturesque adventure of the exhibition.

Juan Antón employs a specific visual language in his works to depict his surroundings. At first glance, it may seem that the artist is foregoing a visual logic in composition to accurately portray important parts and details. However, it becomes clear that landscapes are not closed spaces and offer the artist the opportunity to develop new perspectival compositions. Here, he faces the problem of totality, the unity in multiplicity, which he solves with his complex visual language. Viewers can engage in the artist‘s exploration of perspective and color. Color, too, can be both unsettling and fascinating in its use. At times, the colors in hyperreal precision resemble a photograph of meadows or trees, while at other times they are used expressively to convey a mood or flood the landscape with atmospheric light. The artist succeeds in subjectively painting topographic places without losing their peculiar character, and although we are dealing with seemingly illustrated cultural landscapes, the loving homage to the archaic nature prevails.